Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I did it!

I did it! I did couponing! I am so proud of myself because I hear everyone telling me about their coupon adventures and I am always wishing that I could figure it out. Well, yesterday I did the whole doubling scenarios at Albertsons as suggested on Krazy Coupon Lady and got over $31 worth of stuff for $6.50. I was pretty proud of myself! I feel like for the most part, I got things I'll use too: 2 packs of cookie dough, 2 bags of shredded cheese, 2 true delights box of granola bars, 2 southbeach box of granola bars, 2 bagelfuls, 1 light salad dressing, and palmolive dish soap. Anyway, had to share, hope I can continue to get better at this.


Stephen & Kendra said...

Go Heidi! That's awesome. I need to go again. I think I have kind of forgotten how. Nice work. We need to hang out again!

Alyssa Phair said...

You can't do that! I must have more details!! I hear about people who save like that too and I have NO IDEA how to do it. Let me in on it! Pleeeeease :)

Kollen Marchant said...

It is very addicting but you did awesome. Our Albertsons here never does the double coupon thing I hate that. I though I don't know if I would be able to wrap my head around that one. I think I would go nuts. I spend hours trying to figure everything out. Good Job!

Katie and Paul said...

I am totally jealous! I always hear about it to but I haven't got the nerve to try it yet.

Jeri said...

Contgratulation on your first coupon adventure. Couponing seems mind boggling at first, but very soon you won't have to pay full pirce for anything.s